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All Genders Welcome :

Sister Winds Foundation began 16 years ago to uplift women in music through sisterhood. Through the years “Sister” also represents allies to all people, genders and races. In the past our choirs have been majority women but we welcome and love our queer family and friends, as well as the beautiful men that show up and support us.  Any and all genders are welcome to join the choirs. 

Our Fall Sister Winds Choir Showcase will be Dec 18th 6-9pm and if you would like to join the Fall Series we would love to have you…



What's better than singing together?!

(photo from Hermanas Del Viento ~ Mystic Choir Guatemala Feb 2024)

We have two lovely Choirs to choose from browse below to feel into what is a great fit for you.

~ Medicine Weavers $377 ~ Mystic Choir $444 ~ Both Choirs for $555

Payment Plans Available ~ Some Scholarship and Work-Trade Spots available ~ Applications below

Medicine Weavers Choir 

Location:  Nevi Kodesh, 1925 Glenwood Dr, Boulder, CO 80304
Dates: Wednesdays, Oct 9th- Dec. 9th
Time:  6-8pm
Dress Rehearsal: Dec 17th 6-9pm Nevi Kodesh
Performance: Dec 18th 6-9pm Nevi Kodesh 

In the Summer months it was an outdoor singing series around the fire, focusing on ceremonial synchronicity. The Fall will be indoors ~ but the love of plants and teas will be woven into rehearsals. The energy of this choir represents (but not limited to) the elements of fire and earth, nature and the medicine of song and ceremony. It is great for singers that enjoy singing in unison or like to explore harmonies in an intuitive way. Also wonderful experience to deepen your connection with the elements and plant allies through our rehearsals and prayerformance.

Medicine Weavers directed by Saoirse Watters with guests and assistants

Saoirse Watters: Saoirse (pronounced Sea-ur-shuh) Watters is a performer, artist, eco-feminist, folk herbalist, permaculturist, and ritual weaver. Saoirse has performed her whole life as a singer and began playing the harp when she was 19 years old. She now tours around the world playing her original folk contemporary music. She and her partner, Robin Liepman, also share the stage in his electronic music project, Bloomurian, which combines world rhythms and songs with electronic dance music.

Her passions are plants and songs, which led her to create PlantSong, an ecological education program combining folk herbalism, land regeneration, ancestral nutrition, seasonal magic, ritual, and music.

You can learn more about Saoirse’s work with land stewardship and her upcoming tour dates by following her on instagram (most up to date)  ~ or ~ you can visit her website


Shaela Noella began the Medicine Weavers Choir about 7 years ago, and Saoirse was a participant in the first one. Shaela Noella feels in awe and proud to witness the progress and success Saoirse has built in her musical endeavors,  performances, opening of the voice and leadership in choirs. Shaela is heart warmed by this relationship to now have Saoirse leading the choir, it is an affirmation. of the choirs building sisterhood.

Mystic Choir

Location:  Theatre O – (on the west side of the building) 5311 western Ave. Boulder, CO, 80301
Dates: Mondays, Sept. 30th- Mon. Dec. 16th
Time:  7-9pm 
Dress Rehearsal: Dec 17th 6-9pm Nevi Kodesh
Performance: Dec 18th 6-9pm Nevi Kodesh 

 Mystic Choir is singing series to enrich your ability, performance, and singing together in harmony. The energy of this choir represents (but not limited to) the elements of water, air, stars, celestial energies and upliftment. It is great for singers that can hold harmonies, benefit from practical instruction, and yearn to enrich or explore their musical language and theory, alongside intuitive & expressive singing. Great choir for singers that can hold harmonies and have some singing experience. 

Led by Ariella, the Priestess of Song

Mystic Choir directed by Ariella and with special guests and assistants

Ariella Rahma Forstein, the Songstress Priestess, recently relocated to the front range after a decade + her childhood in the midwest. Having also lived in CA, she knew she needed to return to the mountains, as the wild open hearts + aligned musicians reside here. Ariella guides people to harness, enliven, and reveal their truest voices + selves in choirs, coaching, energy + sound healing, & via earth-based ritual. She loves the palpable bonding that happens when we sing together, as our heartbeats literally sync. She also loves hand blending tea, and walks in the woods. She’s currently acquainting herself with the majestic Rocky Mountains, new beautiful communities, and is soul excited to make music w/ the Mystic Choir!

Shaela Noella began the Mystic Choir four season’s ago, this season she is hoping to make it out for the performance, and the last few seasons she was more part of co-leading. She admires Ariella’s skill-set and excited for all the people that get to work with her, as she looks forward to sing with you all soon.

Shaela Noella is a songstress, medium, and practitioner of the healing arts. She carries the magic of laughter, sound, and nature flower essences. Living nomadically the last few years; with lots of deepening in her relations with Curanderas and Nanas in Mexico and Guatemala, expanding and learning of womb care as well as being inspired by Maya Fire Ceremonies. Shaela Noella is the visionary of Sister Winds Foundation, a nonprofit to uplift women in music and healing arts. She has started and led several music groups and choirs including: Sister Winds Ensemble, Medicine Weavers, Mystic Choir, Sumati and Las Curanderas. One of her great joys is teaching opening of the voice classes, or one one one sessions, supporting people with their personal vocal empowerment. You can find more info about hers at 

Shaela Noella as the founder of Sister Winds, is so elated that she has “sisters” to co-lead the choirs with, which ultimately is a testimony of Sister Winds Foundation and building sisterhood through music.

With Shaela’s very nomadic lifestyle and family living in California, she hopes to be part of the choirs this Fall Season 2024, but it is looking rather minimal compared to previous seasons. She’s soo grateful the Sister Winds Ensemble began recording again.


~ Medicine Weavers $377 ~ Mystic Choir $444 ~ Both Choirs for $555

Payment Plans Available ~ Some Scholarship and Work-Trade Spots available upon application

Thank you for all that came to the Sister Winds Choir Summer Showcase~ it was an uplifting event filled with many voices in Song, outdoor beauty and fire ceremony.

Some lovely images of previous choirs: Sister Winds Ensemble, Medicine Weavers, and Mystic Choir were all dreamed up by Shaela Noella, affiliated with Sister Winds Foundation.

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