In this (1-2 hour), all-levels Contact Improvisation workshop we will discover the natural source from which all movement arises in solo and partnering practice. With a focus on non-verbal communication, boundaries, fully embodying and following our “yes” and “no”, introductions, transitions and exits, we will explore how this co-created sacred space can be used to train our bodies and minds for the rapid changes and transformations happening on the planet and in our own personal lives.
This deeply healing and stimulating form of movement offers a wide range of possibilities for communion with one’s Self, the Other and All of Creation. Unlocking deep truths within, you will be guided into an irresistible universal field of flow that can easily integrate into your every day life, if you so choose.
Joy Vita Verde loves to help others connect with and fully express their inner child-like freedom. Her inspiration is rooted in QiGong, Yoga, Contact Improvisation, contemporary movement and circus arts, ensemble explorations, traditional + cultural dance studies, nature’s expression through animals and babies, and flowing from the Source of Creation. She shares her embodied, channeled sound and movement magic through group facilitation private sessions and performance. Joy has over 25 years of experience in movement exploration and healing journeying and has been creating multidimensional containers for group and individual transformation since 2012.